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Article: Unveiling the Mystique: A Deep Dive into the Top 8 Most Famous Gemstones and Common Questions Answered

Latelita Jewellery

Unveiling the Mystique: A Deep Dive into the Top 8 Most Famous Gemstones and Common Questions Answered

Gemstones, with their breathtaking colours and inherent beauty, have fascinated humans for centuries. From the illustrious sparkle of diamonds to the deep azure of sapphires, each gemstone possesses a unique allure. In this exploration, we delve into the top 10 most famous gemstones, unravelling the mysteries behind their brilliance and answering common questions that often surround these precious stones.

Diamonds: The Epitome of Elegance

Diamonds, often dubbed as a girl's best friend, have held an enduring allure. Renowned for their hardness and brilliance, diamonds are the crystalline form of carbon.                                 

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What Gives Diamonds Their Sparkle? 

Diamonds sparkle due to their exceptional ability to refract light. The cut of a diamond, graded by factors like brilliance, fire, and scintillation, determines how it interacts with light, resulting in the dazzling display we associate with diamonds.

Are All Diamonds Colourless? 

No, diamonds come in various colours. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) grades diamonds on a colour scale from D (colourless) to Z (light yellow or brown). Coloured diamonds, often referred to as "fancy" diamonds, can display hues like blue, pink, or yellow.

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Lapis Lazuli: A Royal Blue Gemstone

Lapis Lazuli, with its deep blue hue and golden flecks, has adorned jewellery and art for centuries. This metamorphic rock, composed of lazurite, calcite, and pyrite, boasts a rich history.                        

What Makes Lapis Lazuli Blue? 

The intense blue colour in lapis lazuli comes from the presence of the mineral lazurite. The golden specks, known as pyrite inclusions, add a touch of sparkle to this captivating gemstone.                       

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How is Lapis Lazuli Used in Jewellery? 

Lapis lazuli's vibrant colour makes it a popular choice for statement jewellery pieces, including rings, necklaces, and earrings. It has been a favourite among royals and artists throughout history.

Morganite: The Pink Gem of Compassion 

Morganite, a variety of beryl, showcases delicate shades of pink, ranging from pastel to peach. Named after financier J.P. Morgan, this gemstone has gained popularity for its warm and inviting colour.

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Is Morganite a Rare Gemstone? 

While morganite is not as rare as some other gemstones, high-quality specimens with intense colour and minimal inclusions are considered valuable.

How is Morganite Different from Other Pink Gemstones? 

Morganite's distinct peach-pink colour sets it apart from other pink gemstones. Its subtle hues and brilliance make it a sought-after choice for engagement rings and other jewellery.

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Pearl: Nature's Timeless Elegance

Pearls, formed within the depths of the ocean, exude timeless elegance. Composed of nacre, a combination of calcium carbonate and proteins, pearls have been cherished for their lustrous beauty. Common Questions:

How are Pearls Formed?

Pearls are formed when an irritant, such as a grain of sand or a small organism, enters an oyster or mollusc. The mollusc secretes layers of nacre around the irritant, creating a pearl.

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Are All Pearls White? 

No, pearls come in various colours, including white, black, pink, and golden. The colour of a pearl depends on the type of mollusc and the conditions in which it forms.                    

Sapphire: The Regal Blue Gem

Sapphires, prized for their stunning blue hues, are a variety of corundum, the same mineral as rubies. Associated with royalty and wisdom, sapphires captivate with their deep and velvety shades.          

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Are Sapphires Only Blue? 

While blue is the most common colour for sapphires, they can also be found in various colours, excluding red. Pink sapphires, in particular, have gained popularity for their delicate and romantic appearance.

What is the Symbolic Meaning of Sapphires? 

Sapphires are often associated with wisdom, loyalty, and nobility. In various cultures, sapphires are believed to bring protection, good fortune, and spiritual insight.

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Tanzanite: A Captivating Violet-Blue Wonder

Tanzanite, discovered in Tanzania in the 1960s, quickly gained fame for its mesmerising violet-blue hues. This gemstone, a variety of zoisite, has become a sought-after choice for jewellery enthusiasts.  

How Rare is Tanzanite? 

Tanzanite is considered rare, and its availability is limited to the single source in Tanzania. Its captivating colour and scarcity contribute to its desirability.

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Can Tanzanite Change Colour? 

Yes, tanzanite is known for its pleochroism, meaning it can display different colours when viewed from different angles. Commonly, tanzanite shows blue, violet, and burgundy hues.                         

Emerald: The Green Gem of Royalty

Emeralds, prized for their rich green colour, belong to the beryl family. These gemstones have adorned the crowns and jewellery of royals for centuries, symbolising rebirth and fertility. Common Questions:

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What Causes the Green Colour in Emeralds? 

The green colour in emeralds is attributed to the presence of chromium and vanadium. The intensity of green can vary, and higher-quality emeralds exhibit a vivid, deep green hue.

How Do Inclusions Affect Emeralds? 

Inclusions, often referred to as "jardin" (French for garden), are considered a natural part of emeralds. These unique inclusions, if not excessive, can enhance the gemstone's character and authenticity.

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Peridot: The Gem of Sunshine

Peridot, with its vibrant green hue, is a gemstone that symbolises warmth and positivity. Belonging to the olivine mineral family, peridot has been cherished for its sunny disposition. Common Questions:

Is Peridot Only Green? 

Peridot is primarily known for its green colour, but it can range from yellowish-green to olive green. The intensity of colour is a key factor in determining the value of a peridot gemstone.

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What is the Historical Significance of Peridot? 

Peridot has a rich history, believed to bring good luck, peace, and protection. Egyptians called it the "gem of the sun," and it was often used to adorn pharaohs and their tombs.

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